Supporting differently vulnerable immigrants
Many Parisian organizations, in charge of supporting immigrants in vulnerable situations, agree on the same observations. Indeed, the majority of these people haven't resort to their rights, have difficulties in accessing health care and are absent from social and civic participation bodies.
In order to identify the levers for improving the social and civic integration of these people, we are working on the co-construction of a local dynamic between organizations. The objective of this group of actors is therefore to learn from the practices of one another, in order to strengthen their efforts to support vulnerable migrant populations.
To this end, we ensure the animation and structuring of the group through workshops for the exchange of practices, training, design of information/awareness tools on the intercultural approach... We also offer these different actors support in the experimentation of new accompaniement and/or partnership modalities. The purpose of these experiments is to be able to draw lessons from them and to formalize them so that they can be shared with other organizations.